Thursday, 3 February 2011

Why the Hell Didn't This Get Viral?

This video was uploaded 2 years ago and it only has a little above 5000 views, yet someone uploads a video of a man falling off a bike and it instantly gets a million views. Why's that you ask? Because the losers, who define what's viral content (famous vbloggers), are too busy trying to be funny and jump-cutting, while commenting on something that we've seen a hundred times before.

So, enough bitching- here's the video.

It's a grown man, who obviously has never heard of the sport called hockey and is mad, because he can't watch his favorite cartoons. Notice how he completely forgets about the problem the second the cartoon is on.


  1. Oh my god, this is hilarious.
    He has no idea what is going on.

  2. I think people want the video's to be shorter. I was deterred by the fact it went for 2min (and I'm sure most Canadians would think that as well ;D) but it was funnyish.

  3. Hah! That's great!

  4. some cropping and it would be good to go.. maybe the first few secs about her derp it's supposed to be nickelodeon ..ich wanna watch cartoons ...what is this shit..raaaage...uhh catdog *squee*

  5. i want to watch cat dog. hahahaha hilarious.

  6. Wtf, that is awesome dude!! nice link

  7. Going viral is just pure luck.
    Whenever I try to to something for myself it ends up miserably, but when I try to do something for someone else (people I don't even know!) and get their stuff to go viral it's a huge success.
    The last thing I did for somebody else had 300 views when I took it in my hands. Half an hour later it had about 15000 views and now, two weeks later, it has more than 2 million views.

    Following and supporting!

  8. i love how he laughs at everything happening on cat dog, so funny!

  9. funny..funny video...

    @my day in a sentence: absolutely true!

  10. I was just talkin with my girlfriend about that last night, how a video that can be the most gruesome video ever will be viewed by billions and theyll all watch it just because they wanna be in the loop.

  11. Lol some angry people u got there :P

  12. great source of lulz....youre right it should be more popular.

  13. LOL!! Why hit the black thing with the stick? lol. Good find.

    "What is this Verizon, Crisco?" lol

  14. That guy enjoys a lot his cartoons. Wish I could laugh that hard at catdog.

  15. lmfaoo, love the rare gems!
